The Biggest Video SEO Secret of Them All

There are video SEO tools, techniques, and secrets that all explain how to get videos and their hosting websites to the top of the search engines. These video SEO techniques all focus on winning search on Google, the biggest search engine of them all, as well as Yahoo and Bing.

But the biggest video SEO secret? Forget about winning search on Google, win search on YouTube instead. That is because YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world, behind Google. Furthermore, the fact that YouTube is so popular, also gives YouTube videos high ranking in search results on Google and other search engines online.

Why is YouTube so important? When people have “how to” questions where they need to learn how to do something — how to replace a key on a keyboard, how to defrag a hard drive, how to change a car’s oil — there is a video of it. Or when they want to watch a music video from their favorite band or a scene from their favorite movie, they can find it on YouTube.

Why not take advantage of this?

Think about it. Everyone is focusing all their attention on Google, using onsite search engine optimization techniques, trying to win search for their chosen keywords. But what if it was possible to win search on YouTube instead? Imagine what kind of impact this could have on regular SEO efforts.

Start paying attention to the Google search results page and see what shows up near the top of the search results every time.


And not just any videos, but the videos that are most likely to be found during a YouTube search — videos that only have the most basic video SEO done to them will even win search on YouTube, and by default, appear high on the Google search rankings.

Since most people do not even bother to optimize their videos, it is only by luck and happenstance that most videos appear at the top of YouTube’s search in the first place. But by performing some basic video SEO techniques, it is possible to make a video appear high in YouTube’s rankings as well as Google’s.

Video SEO technique #1: Use Keywords in the Video Title. It is not enough to just give the video a clever title. The video needs a descriptive title that people will most likely use during a regular search, like “How to change a keyboard key on a laptop” or “How to change the oil in a car.” This tells Google and YouTube what the most important keywords in the title are.

Video SEO technique #2: Use Keywords in the Description. It is important to use the keywords or key phrase at least once, and possibly twice, in the description of the video. Just like in an optimized blog post, the description tells YouTube (and Google) what the video is about.

Video SEO technique #3: Include Backlinks in the Description. Backlinks are an important part of regular SEO, and should be a part of video SEO as well, being incorporated into the video’s description, which helps boost a website’s ranking. But then, be sure to point several backlinks from other websites to the video.

Video SEO technique #4: Use Transcripts and Subtitles. Another way to include keywords to a video is to include an entire transcript of the spoken audio. Whether the video is one person talking about how to replace keys on a laptop, or is an interview between two people, it is very helpful to include a written transcript as part of the video SEO. When editing a YouTube video, there is a window to upload a transcript or a subtitle file and have it play along with the video. This is additional text that Google and YouTube are able to index and count toward search results, which helps video SEO.

These video SEO techniques allow marketers an advantage. YouTube’s status as the world’s second biggest search engine, will help to ensure your videos show up at the top of the search results in regular Google searches as well as within other search engines, social media and article and press sites online. Follow these steps and begin ranking online!

10 Reasons Why You Should Work for Yourself

1. You get paid for what you doThis may sound obvious, however, let me explain. When you work for someone else, you have a number of set hours a week that you are contracted to work and your wage is set, based on the contract you signed. But is this really fair? In some jobs you work more than you have to and also you may undertake a specific piece of work or project that if outsourced to a self-employed person, would cost a load more. In essence, by signing that contract, you are cheap labour.2. You get paid when you are not workingWorking 9-5, you stop work, but the work that you are doing, is still earning the ‘man’ aka the boss, a load of money. You work, so that your boss can become rich. Since becoming self-employed, and I am not mega rich (yet), you can see the potential for the work that you doing, giving you an ongoing income, even when you are asleep!3. You can say ‘stop’ and immediately make changesWhen, and if you are a Manager in a big company, you are never 100% able to make the changes you need to make, to make your part of the business better. There is always someone standing on your shoulders, telling you what you can and cannot do. And no more pointless spreadsheets too! When you work for yourself, you can make immediate decisions and changes if something is not working.4. It makes you braveNot being guaranteed a wage, makes you brave and makes you make brave decisions to help you succeed. No more comfort zone!5. It makes you thinkI could have done my job duties in my permanent job with my eyes closed. In fact, as I knew what I had to do, it probably made me complacent and I probably did the things I had to do, badly!6. You can love what you doI am loving what I am doing! Love it! However the moment I was to stop loving it, at least I could now take steps to think about how else I can keep my self-employed lifestyle going. When you work for a big company, love or loathe your job and its duties, you have to do it anyway!7. You can have your own job titleNot that this really matters, but when you work for yourself you can call yourself what you like! Also, when you are out socialising and someone, who you don’t really know, asks you what you do for a job, its can be quite cool to tell them you are an entrepreneur or author, or whatever you want to be called!8. You can balance your family responsibilitiesNo more rigid working hours. If you have family responsibilities, there is no reason why you cannot be more flexible in where and when you work. This is the one reason I need to practice, before I preach however. After nearly 10 years of commercial ‘man’ working, I still find myself under pressure if I start work late or finish early. But that is the point; working as an employee, makes you feel guilty for wanting freedom. Freedom is not a buzz word that is overly encouraged within the World of full-time employment.9. You have to learn new thingsNo more Marketing department. No more Finance Department. No more Personnel team! You have to carry the can yourself, and this means learning new things constantly. This is a great thing however, as learning helps with creativity, and ‘thinking’. What more could you want! And, how often did your marketing department produce cringe worthy marketing material anyway?!10. Isn’t 9 other reasons enough!!! Working for yourself means you do not need to keep going, just because you said you would!

What Does it Take? Here’s 3 Health and Fitness Tips

3 Health and fitness Tips; Are you ready?1. Match the amount of eating to the amount of activity, for example Increase the amount of repetitions of a particular exercise, the level of resistance, and utilize advance exercise techniques if possible.Most people ignore the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Your metabolism can slow down considerably if breakfast is taken during mid-morning. Surprisingly, most people who eat breakfast are thinner than the ones who do not. Always prepare the right amount of food to be consumed at the designated intervals.2. Try to keep sugar away from your body, sugar helps your body to store fat. Exercising 2-3 times a week helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels. Also, eat meals in small portions but consume 4-6 meals a day.Skipping meals is a big mistake that slows down your metabolism. Make sure you do not count out your energy foods like fruits and vegetables.3. You can lose weight and burn excess calories by doing cardiovascular exercise. After you finish your exercise routine, studies have shown that your metabolism will stay at the increased rate for up to 18 hours.Before you start exercising, make a visit to your doctor and make sure you’re fit for vigorous physical activity. Starting slow with a 10 minute moderately paced walk daily thats a good way to get going and keep going.Take in this info and know its your turn to determine what will work well for you! To Your Weight Lose Success.